Your massage therapist wants this to be the best experience for you to relax and enjoy - If at any time there is something that needs to be adjusted - pressure, temperature of the room, music, position - please let your therapist know!


What can I expect at my first visit? You will be required to fill out a Massage Intake Form - this will be sent to you when you book your appointment. If you have not filled it out beforehand you will fill it out when you first arrive for your massage. You will discuss any concerns, medical conditions, medications and allergies. It is important that you are honest when providing your health information as your massage may need to be adapted accordingly.

Do I have to remove all of my clothing? You should undress to your level of comfort. Many massage clients choose to remove all clothing for a full body massage. You will remain draped properly with a sheet the entire time with only the area being worked on exposed. If you are more comfortable leaving your undergarments on for the massage that is perfectly ok! It is recommended that you do remove all clothing from your upper body so that your back is completely exposed for an optimal massage.

What happens if I fall asleep during my massage? Falling asleep during your massage is considered a huge compliment to your therapist! This means you have reached a level of total relaxation and your therapist is doing a great job. Don’t worry, your body is receiving all the wonderful benefits of the massage and you will wake up feeling refreshed! Your therapist will gently wake you up when they need to.

Will I feel sore afterwards? You should feel relaxed after your massage and may experience a lessening of long term pain and restricted range of motion. If you have received a deep tissue massage you may feel sore the next day as your muscles recover. Keep in mind there is a difference between a “good” sore and an “ouch” sore. A warm shower or epsom salt bath can be helpful when dealing with soreness.

When is it not ok to receive a massage? If you have a cold/flu, fever, contagious skin condition you should not schedule a massage. Wait until your symptoms are gone and then schedule. If you have recently had surgery, have a serious medical condition, or you are pregnant, please check in with your doctor to ask if massage is ok at this point. Your therapist may require a doctor’s note before treatment.


If you have any questions that weren’t answered here please use the Contact form and we will get back to you!